Archive for January, 2008

SSC: 5/6!

Posted in Uncategorized on January 15, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Well after a mad Leotheras kill the other night we returned to SSC last night to attempt another new boss, Fathom Lord Karathress.  It seemed like an overgrown Maulgar fight (What with all of the adds) so we set to it.

Luckily we had the ex MT of another guild with us who was able to explain the fight for us and we got down to it.

I think it was 4 tries then a kill shot, woohoo.  No loot for me, as I have only really just returned and im still umming and ahhing over whether to stay on the warlock.

Im still torn and I dont know why.  I think its the whole aesthetics of the thing, Gnomes just look like a pile of shit.  Why did I roll Gnome!!!!  Whereas my Draenei looks the dogs bits in his plate.
In the end I can see myself playing the warrior.  I prefer the survivability if (and when) I pull aggro and I think I can still top the meters.  Although now most of the guild have upgrades I may be hard pressed.

So why am I playing the lock at the moment then?  Well to be honest when I was returning I think I saw the Warriors were full apart from Prot.  I dont want to tank, its not my “thing” I can do it when required but I dont want to be doing it 24/7 for raids.

Our Warrior CL has mentionned she may be opening recruitment for a Fury warrior soon, when she does im signing up.  I have tasty stats for both arms and fury so I think I could do it.  Ill have to respec my blacksmithing to Hammersmith I think, so I can craft the one hander (which is a shame since I made my Lionheart Executioner) but not sure yet.  I think I need to test both chars in a raid to see how they perform.  Having now cleared SSC (mostly) on the lock, I have gotten a feeling of how they play.  I think all I need to do now is try a full SSC run as fury and see how it feels again.
Ill talk to the warrior CL and see what she thinks.

 Rock on!

Return to Azeroth, Guild Transition and Bosses Downed.

Posted in World of Warcraft on January 14, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Mrs Borgio and I recently returned to World of Warcraft just after the Christmas break siting the fact that its a new year and a new start so lets put the issues we had with the game behind us and crack on.

So we came back, I am no longer even in the guild it seems….. Thanks Aeternitas, this is how your repay your Ex-GM, really mature.
As it turns out it was a mistake, I was demoted to inactive (as I rightly should have been) but an overzealous Class Leader removed me form the guild.  Oops
Ah well im now back in the guild but not currently an officer (Although im Warlock Class Lead again)  however I cant honestly see myself as a non officer for long and I believe the new GM wants my expertise.

So what have we done then, well last weekend (That would be the weekend ending yesterday) we had a mammoth Zul’Aman raid with all of the old guys from The Immortal Legion, we started friday at around 2030 and it ended sunday morning at 0300!  You heard me!  We had the occasional break for toilets etc and a couple of hours sleep on sat morning but we honestly raided that long.  We got the first four bosses down and Malacrass to 48% before we really had to stop since we had SSC that evening.

SSC went like a dream.  I havent been on a raid that was THAT fun in ages.  Im back playing my warlock again (Although im still thinking about going fury warrior… gif warglaives) and ive nearly got the gear to pull off a shadow destruction build.  I say nearly but I play the build anyway.  Its fun!
We downed Lurker first try and then headed for a new boss, Leotheras the Blind.  Luckily we ha some guys who had done this fight before so we were fully briefed up on tactics and we let loose.  First try 48%.  Not bad, we have an idea for the fight now and can see how it goes.  And on it went……. 9 tries later and 2 1% wipes and he was ours.  Leotheras MASTERED in 4 hours.  AWESOME!  Grats to all the guys who got gear.  To be honest I kind of dont want to get anything on my warlock as I still dont know what to play.  Part of me wants lock, part wants warrior.  I think I like my warrior as im in the thick of things and I know if I pull aggro then I can take some hits while I stop dps to let the tank get it back.  But on the lock if I pull aggro and Soulshatter is down then its game over.  Mind you I actually  pulled aggro on Leo after a whirlwind and he managed to hit me one before I shattered…. not bad!

So there we are, will I have more fun playing fury in raids or shadow destruction? I really have no clue!