Archive for September, 2008

Bonus Exp Weekend

Posted in Everquest 2 on September 29, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Well another bonus exp weekend has come and gone on EQ2, but this one was a little different.  We were granted 100% bonus exp for the whole weekend!  So what did I do with it then?  Well to be honest I pretty much wasted the whole thing.
I got my Brigand from 38-43 but could have done more if I had just focussed on him but I was too busy getting my Paladin updates for his epic and also running instances for gear.
I had Ganaks Torque drop for the first time, even my zerk doesnt have it so that was a nice bonus.  I also got a few tanking upgrades which again was nice.

Not got much else to say this morning due to having to work on and off at the weekend due to a few reasons but Mrs B went to VP and finished getting flagged for Trak.

Soon will be my time!!

Congratulations on a (relatively) painless launch!

Posted in Warhammer Online on September 24, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Well I had my massive doubts about GOAs ability to run another MMORPG but I have been pleasantly surprised by them with the launch of EU Warhammer Online.  Not only were the headstart servers up for CE and SE editions on the days they said they would be (lets not quibble over the TIME the CE servers were open) but they stayed up and with little lag to speak off through to eventual retail release.

Sure there were a couple of bugs on the registration of in game item codes, but that is small fare when it comes down to it now isnt it? 

Issues that have arisen then?  The distinct ability of some ISPs to let you PLAY!  This isnt GOAs fault, in fact I want to applaud them again for trying like dogs to solve these issues for people, but some ISPs seem to be limiting access to the game, I know Virgin is causing some of my alliance mates problems and as of last night I was free of trouble on BT…..  Until last night!  I got the dreaded “Authentiation Failed” message.
Quick scan of Freddyshouse message boards showed me that I was not alone and in fact a whole HEAP of BT customers could not log in and play.  Magnus was quick to offer fixes in the way of port forwarding and such (which worked for me) but I am sure there are others out there who still cant log in.

Again I will re-iterate something which I maybe haven’t said in my blog but have been vocal about on message boards. I AM NOT A FAN OF GOA!  In fact I downright despised them after DAoC and the bugs/downtime we had with that (Prydwen database anyone?) and after leaving Euro DAoC for US DAoC I decided then and there that I would never play a game hosted by them again.  What changed my mind?  Well not all too sure to be honest, the beta, being beta was very unstable and was down more than up which seemed to add fuel to the fire but something changed.
GOA put up with so much crap from Mythic, and still came out swinging!  Moved schedules, sudden announced bonuses to beta testers,  even press releases not even shown to GOA who had to get told by the COMMUNITY about them.  Any company that can take that crap and still roll out a launch like they did deserve my money……….. at least for a little while 😉

(P.S Chosen level 19!)

A Gaming Update

Posted in Everquest 2, Warhammer Online on September 23, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Since its been a while since I did a post ill just do a recap of where im at

Warhammer Online:
The Merry Men hit guild level six and are able to join alliances…. except we arent!  Good old Mythic!  There is a bug which stops an existing alliance from inviting other guilds and get a “member not found” message!! So now we are stuck and waiting for it to be fixed.
On a personal level I hit level 18, im not playing it as hard as I was in beta, im preferring just to plod along and take my time now, that and EQ2 is taking up a lot of my time.

Everquest 2:
Hun got to go on her first raids with Harpers, I got flagged for VP but im still not allowed to raid.  Im gutted about this fact, totally gutted, im a fucking awesome tank, im not being arrogant its damn true.  But im not getting the opportunity to prove myself.  I tanked Vaults and Maidens still not decent drops but all my friends are in harpers are there but why play the game if I cant raid with them?

Dunno what ill do tonight, might paly WAR since there is no raid on EQ2 (HAHA LIKE I CAN FUCKING RAID ANYWAY)

The Merry Men – Back in WAR

Posted in Warhammer Online on September 16, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Finally the BETA which I have been a part of for the better part of a year is over and the pre release players can get their hands on WAR.  Mts B and I both had CE so in we went on day 1!  Must say that the lag had cleared up and all was running smooth.

The guild finally got formed yesterday with me now at the helm, and now we are back, back as a source of fun to all, and also back as a force to be reckoned with in the RvR arena.

Now I need to figure out how to split my time between oooh shiny of Warhammer and oooh fun fun again of EQ2!!!

If you are interested in joining TMM, then look us up on destruction side of Karak Orrud.  Or head on over to

A new guild, a new beginning?

Posted in Uncategorized on September 15, 2008 by Berserk Rage

I left my guild in EQ2 a week or so ago as reported in order to join a raiding guild.  Well the persistance has paid off and I am now a member of The Harpers of Norrath.

Now a couple of ingame mates have been part of this guild for a while so it feels so good to join them finally.  Last night they did Shard of Hate and Protectors realm just for fun!  I took Mrs B’s character, a Warden, along since the healing was needed and it was a blast!

This is what I missed in EQ2, the raiding, it feels good to be starting over again.

It all goes full Circle

Posted in Everquest 2 on September 9, 2008 by Berserk Rage

So this is where I have been then?  Busy levelling my PALADIN! Not SK anymore, back to being a pala since I have a snifter of a raid guild on him so I betrayed and levelled him.

So far it seems easier to tank than Zerk, easier to hold aggro I mean.  I still miss the emergency “oh crap” things such as adrenaline and the others.  The Paladin though is quite capable, the dps is much lower than the zerk, but I expected that, you cant have everything.  I do believe that with the right gear I can be competitive though.

But my my tanking is fun on the pala.  Amends is the crux though, if the person it is on slacks, I can lose aggro in a second.  Noticed this a bit tonight in RE2 (I dinged 80 about oooh 20 mins before going in, gogo crappy gear!) since the dirge (who does great dps) would yank the mob from me if the Brig wasnt going dps mode from the pull.

Any nice loot?  Well nothing fabled and no masters but I got a new tanking helm, and 3 new dps pieces.  Nothing else much done due to RE2 taking longer than expected but im enjoying it as a palatank!

Now just to see what happens with regards to the raid guild.