Archive for March, 2009

TMG in Afghanistan: Day 117

Posted in Uncategorized on March 15, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Well what a short day that is then, since its Sunday I work the morning then take the afternoon off to recharge. THe funny thing about today was that the IT systems went tits up about an hour into the day and have been off ever since, no work for me to do so I sat there and tidied oh the joys.

Im HOME next week, its come around so fast, I pray that between now and then that nothing happens, I just want to step off that plane, shiver since blighty is so cold and then crack on and get home!

Nothing more to report other than ill be surfing gamers blogs for the next few hours, take it easy all.!

TMG in Afghanistan: Day 116

Posted in Uncategorized on March 14, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Not many to go now at all! Well today, another British Lad lost his life, my feelings go out to his family and friends at a time like this who knows how long he had been out here.
Maybe he had just arrived and was eager to be “doing his part” when he lost his life, maybe he was, like me, at the end of his tour and looking forward to seeing his family in a few more days.  Will there be an empty seat on the plane next to me?
We may not all agree that we should be out here but it isnt our choice to get sent out here, yes we had a choice to join the military or not but that may not echo our views on world politics.  At this time, during the terrible economic state, the military is a “safe option” for getting food onto the table, at least the job is secure.

I look back on my time in Afghanistan and I am glad I came, sure I dont see any real difference in what is going on but ive been and done my part, and ill be coming home safely from it.  Who knows what will happen once im gone, maybe all of a sudden it will all be over and no more boys will need to die, maybe it will ramp up and more and more troops will come out.  All I do know is I love my family very much, no matter what petty things they are fighting about back home, just remember that I am here in a very real situation where I could die any day but im still here, fighting for…. whatever it is we are fighting for.

My main aim for the next few days are to keep myself safe and out of harms way, no taking any chances, just do my part and get out of here.

Sorry, a bit of a downer this one, but hey thats how im feeling.

Oh yeah, games rock etc etc (there I wrote about games)

TMG in Afghanistan: Day 115

Posted in Uncategorized on March 13, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Well this morning I have spent some time reading others blogs as is usual for me to do and have decided to do a “state of the Borg” post about where I intend to go with myself once im back.

Work wise I have a few options I wish to strive for which will need to be discussed with Mrs B, depending on how I do I will be doing one of two things which I wont be able to write here.

Game wise I am going to do the following:

Everquest 2
With the latest expansion being out a good 4 months, I am way behind the curve on it which means I am playing catch up.  My main aim with this will be to gear my Berserker and get some AA.  My other aim is to level a dps alt since I am not getting the shot that I want to be one of my guilds tanks.  Word has it that one of the tanks we do have is unhappy and may leave, if this is the case then ill see if I can step in.  I will also need to evaluate how the tanks damage and aggro is working out.  The only reason I preferred my Zerk to my Paladin was beacause of the damage.  If this is now normalised I can decide what I want to do later on.
Im still undecided on EQ2, it is still a fun game that I enjoy playing but it doesnt half stress me out sometimes.

World of Warcraft
Oh my god! I said the W word!!!!  Now I can cut myself away from the guild leadership stuff that sucked me down and stomped all over me I am free to explore and enjoy at my will.  I will in good time level up my Warlock and Warrior to 80, depending on how the guild I am in is going depends on what I do in WoW, its still a good game and hopefully I can cut down the time I was investing in it.

Warhammer Online
Well here we are in the game I will mostly be playing.  Mrs B and I had a lot of fun on it when I was home on R&R and the most important thing is: SLAYERS ARE HERE.
Now I will most likely roll a Slayer alt since my mains are destro, but I can honestly see me dedicating most of my time to the slayer.  I will try a Choppa too but I think I need to be a dps character now.  Ive done the tank thing in pretty much every game ive played.  I reckon ill level my Chosen up to max level and see how he fares since in late Beta I was hitting for a shit ton when I worked my rotation out.  Who knows.

Writing about games like this just helps me fill the void that is left without them at the moment.  In my life I am planning to do a couple of things when I am home.
The first thing is buy a car, with the little extra cash the military give me for being out here I should be able to get an affordable family car so we can travel about.  There are also a few places I want to visit which we can do once I am mobile.
The second thing is to spend a lot more time with my children, I miss them like crazy.
The third thing is to give my wife a hug.  I miss her so much its untrue,  I dont think she realises how bad I miss her as she pretty much just gets to plod on with life as normal, but im out here and when im done with work all I can do is sit and think about things.  My main aim is to enjoy life with her since we are still young and healthy!

Well 5 days or so to go, homeward bound, one weekend left (this one, its friday today) and I can be off and be done with this place, my own bed, my own house, my own food, my own clothes.

Take care all.

TMG in Afghanistan: Day 114

Posted in Uncategorized on March 12, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Well here we are then, the home straight so to speak, 6 days to go and I am officially winding down.

Not a lot to report over this side of the world really, still same old, nothing exciting.

On the home front I have arranged a night out on the very day I land to see all my friends and say hi, the plan is to meet up in our home town for drinks and cheers 🙂

Im really ready to go home now, the person who is  replacing me will be here on the 17th so ill be able to go not long after that.
Nothing more to report, send me home!

Rock on!

TMG in Afghanistan: Day 110

Posted in Uncategorized on March 8, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Right so I havent done an update for a few days, which is mainly due to myself.  I have had the time ive just not been on the net really.  Well today is ANOTHER Sunday which means its a half day so this afternoon im looking forward to getting some internet time in the dutch cafe again.

Well last night I went to the Dutch rave on base, the first time since being here, it was actually a lot of fun, the beers we had beforehand helped lose the inhibitions methinks!

Im coming home in 10 days and like a fool I figured it would be fun to organise a night out with all my friends, except I put the wrong date on everything meaning I dated it for the day I LAND and not a week after which is what I intended. I think I can probably slip the date and do an update to give the people who havent replied chance to see the new date, the others can hopefully see if their plans collide.
We shall see

THats about it then, have a good day all.

A blog Update

Posted in Uncategorized on March 4, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Well its been about 2 years since I started blogging and it was high time for a theme change.  Now we have what you see here.  The only reason I changed is the fact that I wanted a two column design, I also am going to work on my blog a bit once I get home and produce a custom header and use more graphics in posts.

Also I have linked another couple of blogs that I read which I find informative and keep me up to date with the games I play at home whilst im in Afghanistan.

I have also decided to start linking a lot more, one its a way to get hits (haha am I really that selfish) another reason is I can show where I found information.

So welcome to my blogroll:
Keen and Graev : Amazing write ups which are keeping me intrigued about Darkfall, and great WAR info
Waaagh : Warhammer news
NecroRogIcon : Another all round gaming site, and it looks cool to booy
Blessing Of Kings:  ALthough I dont play a paladin in WoW, it keeps me abreast of WoW news.

Cheers for keeping me entertained guys

TMG in Afghanistan: Day 103

Posted in Uncategorized on March 1, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Well another sunday is upon us woohoo!  And due to me being grumpy at work they have given me the whole day off to relax, so here I am in the dutch cafe, noshing down on some hot food (with real cutlery) pinging people on MSN (its like 0830 there at the moment hahahaha)

So im less than 3 weeks to go now and im really feeling it, I honestly cant believe that IM COMING HOME THIS MONTH!!!!  I was so engrossed in the internet I nearly missed them calling my number for my food order hahaha silly me.  Well I woke up at 1045 my time today so spent the morning playing some games but decided to come out this afternoon to do some internetting since I said I was going to the other week then didnt bother, well im here!

There isnt a lot to do on the internet at the weekends since most good things are blocked off (ie games) but I can at least catch up on everyones blogs and type my own.  Im really stoked about getting to play the Slayer when I come home, im so excited in fact that im going to shave a mohawk into my hair and dye it neon orange, im not joking mwahahaha.

So here I am, waiting for anyone on MSN to wake up, eating cheeseburger and chips and loving every second of it, I cant believe I never got any hot food from here before, its so much better than the mess, of course the mess is free though… but im not going to begudge myself some quality food for a few dollars.

So after today its 17 to go, I love sundays, 17 is nothing is it? Just over two weeks.  So totally stoked, ive started to make a list of places I can go with the kids that they will enjoy once I buy a car. Its going to be so good.  Just being in England again is the main joy im going to have back in blighty.

Ill actually start packing soon, there are some things I know I wont be using in the last few days so I may as well get em cleared up, that way when it does come to the time of my flight I dont have to rush around like a plank doing it, once im done in here tonight ill do that I think.

Well nothing more to say so ill crack on and eat, have a good sunday all.