Archive for April, 2009

Well there we go then!

Posted in Warhammer Online on April 3, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Sorry for lack of updates since coming home from afghanistan, ive been caught up in the whole family life which ive missed so much.

My gaming hasnt suffered for it though with Mrs B an avid gamer too its only inevitable that we spend a little time playing games.

So heres the rundown of what has happened then, I went to my parents for the weekend last weekend as I was looking for a new car and my dad is pretty good at spotting some good ones and happened to show my mum Wizard 101. Well that was it and she was hooked, both her and my dad now play together, 50 year old gamers I salute you.

I have also decided to cancel all my game subs apart from one game as the car I bought has insurance through the roof and money must be saved, the game im keeping open is Warhammer Online.

It seems that whilst I was away that the alliance moved servers…. again… to Karak Norn, it seems that most of The Merry Men got dis-interested with the game after the latest move so its just Mrs B and I in TMM on Karak Norn, ill get the guild running over here, but the most important piece of news is:


I hit level 40 on my Chosen!  About time too, with the current state of caster damage (Im looking at you too Sorcs) its harder to play a tank or even melee in the game.  Ive taken on the FOTM spec for Chosen of Rending Blade spam which is getting “fixed” in 1.2.1, now im not the sort of player to rage quit when my class gets changed, hell ive been underpowered and still played a class.  But I will need to re-evaluate how to play my Chosen in RvR.
I like the whole tank mechanic of taunting to raise my damage and lower theirs but if I cant kill someone who is on my healers then what is the point?  Time will tell.  Im very interested in the Chosen spell disrupt tree to see how viable the silence is on the pesky BWs.

ANyhoo Norn is down this morning as more people are transferring onto Norn (Dont get me started on this, they better be T4 Destro…) so im off to K8P to play my order alts!

Its good to be home