Archive for July, 2007

World of Warcraft… I choose you!!

Posted in World of Warcraft on July 31, 2007 by Berserk Rage

Bit of a crappy Pokemon reference for the title and for that I apologise.

Ever since coming back from Sweden ive been umming and ahhing over which game I should play.  Well that decision has pretty much been made for me.
WoW it is.  Maybe it had something to do with three of my guildmates coming to stay for a week but really WoW isnt THAT bad.
Sure there are issues with class balance, raider v casual etc but in the end its still a blast if you can find things to do.

Leading Aeternitas takes up a lot of my time so it was inevitable that I would return to WoW instead of EQ2.  Kinda bad but lets be frank.  Ive got 2 characters at max level with good gear in WoW vs 2 chars not at max level, literally unknown in shoddy gear.  Call me shallow but I think I probably prefer the glitzy lights of WoW.
Shame really, no more hits from EQ2 Daily unless I actually write about EQ2.  Somebody should really make a WoWDaily…… ill make a mental note and file that little idea away.

So yes the guys were here, much was discussed, some drama too!!  It turned out I had a fan on the twisting nether realm forum!  Someone calling me all sorts of fun and interesting names r****d etc.  Well that post got swiftly deleted by mods once I informed them it was slanderous and I may feel the need to take it further, VENGEANCE IS MINE!
It could only have been a guildy due to the things said and there was only one member who we had our eye on.  A Paladin called Mauno.  Dont get me wrong, when he first joined Aeternitas he rocked.  Finally another good paladin we can hit the 25 mans with.  But following his promotion to full member things started to take a turn for the worst.
“Are we there yet, whens the next boss, is this the boss” were the sounds warbling form his mouth over vent / raid chat as we smashed through Aran trash.
His biggest flaw?  refusing to use 15 miin buffs on the raid as it was “cheaper to use 5 mins” It was at this point I went macho raid leader and ordered every single member to click away their Blessing of Kings and ordered him to rebuff, which he didnt do till we had started Gruul.
THe next week was the clincher. Gruul try going down the pan due to an unlucky ground slam….. BUBBLE HEARTH.  That was the final straw I vertibaly blew my top and let some obscenities fly.
SO anyway he left the guild, I pity the new one he is now in who seem they are miles back on the progress we are which I can only boggle at.

Im not a leetist prick by any stretch but I expect at least a bit of common sense from my raiders.  Hell if you met me in game you’d think I was an arrogant tosser, but if you joined my guild you’d see that im confident, concerned with guild members and a pretty good leader.  Sure my language on raids is XXX but we are a mature casual guild who have fun.

So back on track, one paladin, a resto shaman, mage and lock down.  SO yes recruitment is open for those classes.  Also want a nice new shadowpriest seeing as all of ours stopped playing.  So anybody reading this who wants a new guild feel free to look at Aeternitas on Twisting Nether EU.  4 raid days a week (all 25 man content) and very laid back and casual.

I think part of what snatched me back to WoW were my friends, Hemmi, Michel, Peter and the rest you know who you are.  Seeing them in the flesh, talking (and playing) WoW for a solid week with them here did wonders for me.  That and I found something fun to smash my Gorehowl into, Horde skulls.  The Arena gear pulled me back perticularly the shoulders.  I love the looks on the season two Warrior shoulders (Same as T5) and since they are such a huge upgrade for me I went for them.  Calculations are on wednesday but I know for a fact they are mine.  I easily did enough for them so imba looks here we come, ill post a pic on wednesday just for kicks.

So WoW it is then, Gruul tonight before rest then Gruul tomorrow after reset gives me a busy two days of raid leading and cursing, hope there are no minors around!!!

I need another kick up the behind!

Posted in Everquest 2 on July 20, 2007 by Berserk Rage

As usual when ive been away for a while, without internet access, it takes me an age to get back into online gaming.   AND ITS HAPPENING AGAIN!

Before I went away I was happily levellng away on Everquest, oohing and aaahing at the gorgeous scenery and exciting gameplay.  Now I come back and I cant bring myself to log on…….  This is only going to be compounded over the next week or so by my houseguests.. none of which are EQ players and all are WoW players.

I really want to find that something in EQ2 thats going to drag me back in.  I think I know what it is.
I need my wife to start playing it again!!!!!  I find gaming so much more fun when I am experiencing it with her.  She is what we would call a “power gamer” (well id call her a power gamer!!)  She plays all day, everyday (when she isnt looking after our son or shopping.

The problem she has with EQ2 is a bad one..  She enjoyed it a lot when we first started playing but I got a bit too close with a guild member, bordering on an affair.  I took a step back when I saw what I was doing and I left the game, along with her.  But this has tainted her experience somewhat.  After coming back I got in contact with said guild member again but now we are just friends, but I dont think my wife trusts me at all.
I transferred off of Oasis and onto Runnyeye not only to be playing with more Brits, but also to move away from said guild member.

Trayc came back for a while and made a Fury but I think it was still playing in the back of her mind about the guildy.

So my question to everyone is, how can I get her interested in EQ2 again.  What can I show her that will make her go WOW I need to play this and have fun instead of playing WoW?

 Help would be great!!!
I purposefully havent said the name of the guildy as it is her right to be protected.

Im Back!!!

Posted in Personal, World of Warcraft on July 19, 2007 by Berserk Rage

Back from Sweden now after enjoying the worst two weeks of my life.  Long hours and little food make Borg an annoyed boy!!

 Still catching up in my office at the mo so I havent had time to look into any gaming news/patches for Everquest 2 yet.  But give me a week or so to get back into the swing and all will be grand.

Warcraft however reeled me back in during my absence as the guild was having issues and I was feeling powerless to do anything.  All is back (more or less) on track.
One problem we have had arise is that one of our Prot Tanks decided to go PvP and not raid.  This wouldnt be a problem normally but they want to come back in a DPS role once they are done.
Now a dps warrior on a raid can be a great thing, buffing the melee dps etc….. but we already have one, a bloody good one…. me.
I wont be giving up my raid spot anytime soon so the simple fact is there is no place for her at the moment.  Yes I said HER, our guild has roughly 5 female raiders in it.

Anyway, Gruuls Lair was hit last night and cleared in record time for us.  Granted we have only killed Gruul 3 times including last night, but the feeling was there, looting was fast and people are really starting to get used to the new DKP system which we made ourselves.

Ill be taking them all to Magtheridon soon, maybe as early as next week!  We shall see.  Friday is Karazhan where I try once again to get Gorehowl.  THe raid I missed whilst in Sweden was the killer…….. It dropped… and my wife got it on her HEALING pally…….  im so dissapointed.

All I can say is, its good to be back, time to start surfing now im at work!!!

 Also I need to do a quick update on the status of our guild on WoW.  We are Aeternitas, an Alliance guild on the Twisting Nether EU realm.  We are casual, and international.  We have members from Greece, Finland, Iceland, England, Holland, Czech, a bit of everything.  We are all good friends.  In fact our MT, Shadowflake, is coming to stay with me in London next week along with Cagliostro (Priest officer) and Aeris (Priest CL) for some boozy fun!  Those three alone are from Belgium, Holland and Iceland!

As a quick update on THIS post.  The last time I hit Curator was even more of a joke than before.  TWO EVOCATIONS and he was dead.  Take a look at my combat log below, I know, I know Execute is based on the skill not the weapon but it was funny as hell to see:


Good ole gimpy curator!

 So Karazhan on friday then, with all the shiny new epics peeps have gotten from Gruul it should be a walk in the park… fingers crossed aye?

See y’all in two weeks!!

Posted in Personal on July 1, 2007 by Berserk Rage

Just a quick note to say that im off to Sweden for two weeks with work so I will not be updating, or playing!

Ill have my PSP with me so if I can find a nice unsecured wireless network to piggyback off of I may be online to post a few 🙂

Have fun everyone!!!