Archive for the Personal Category

Im So Slack I know!

Posted in Personal on November 26, 2010 by Berserk Rage

I cant believe its been so long since I wrote a post here. That’s my bad and I aim to improve this blog as much as I can and give it some more attention.

For now you will have to be content with another update post:

WoW: Cataclysm is rolling closer, I bought the regular edition of the game so im ready when it comes out. I also transferred my Warrior back to Twisting Nether in order to raid with a mates guild. After my first ICC10 run with them where I was pulling 15k dps I haven’t been back.

LOTRO: With this game now free to play ive been levelling my Champion a lot, also doing the new skirmishes which are a lot of fun.

Black Ops: I bought a PS3 and Black Ops, im level 34 at the moment and I know I wont prestige, it’s a good game but not one I will give a TON of time to.

Borderlands: I found my Steam details so ive been playing this with my dad, it rocks. Well worth a buy!

New Vegas: Also been playing this, not much to report.

EQ2: I left Harpers…… Joined Fusion to TANK! Its good fun, still striving to improve my personal dps and tanking ability. Unsure as to whom from those two guilds reads this blog so I wont comment further.

That’s about it for now, ill attempt to get some decent content on here soon.

This weekend I have mostly been playing….

Posted in Everquest 2, Personal, Uncategorized, Warhammer Online on April 26, 2010 by Berserk Rage

Everquest 2 was my game of choice this weekend.  Sony had granted the servers a 40% exp bonus to AA and Adventure (unsure whether tradeskill was included as I don’t TS that much)

I decided when I first heard about the bonus that my Assassin was getting to 90!  He was already at 88 so it was only a little further to go for my 5th level 90 this expansion.

I roped Mrs B in to help and headed to the usual powerlevel spot, Sebilis.  It took me 1 and a half hours to go from 88 to 90 and then I was done.

I grabbed the random gear I had saved for him out of the bank and shoved it on.  I decided since the weekend had just begun that I would work on his AA.  I started on around 148 and ended on 165, 5 short of the wonderful 170 when I can start on the endline TSO abilities!

Overall im happy with how the Assassin is going, its my favourite character now I think, preferring it over my Berserker!

I didn’t raid last night as Mrs B and I had a ton of housework to catch up on which took till 2100 then we watched Hot Fuzz.

I also played a very small amount of Warhammer and got my Marauder up to RR32.  One more before I can use some more of my Conqueror.

Ive also restarted Pokemon Firered.  I had the original red on gameboy and its part of my childhood now and I must say its as good as it ever was!  I took Bulbasaur again as my starter (as I did when I was a younger guy) and have just beaten Misty.  Im currently working out which team I want to take through the game with me.  Bulbasaur is a given and ill most likely take Pigeot as my flying type.  I picked up a wild Pikachu fairly early so will keep that as a Electric type.  Ill look to get hold of a Growlithe for a fire type but cant remember if it is included in this version of the game.  Lapras will be my water type and the last pokemon on my team will most likely be a Kadabra until I can pick up Mewtwo from Cerulean cave.  Im in love with Psychic types but obviously a balanced team is better than a Psychic heavy team.

Until I get Lapras ill most likely be using Gyrados as I have a Magikarp im levelling up (13 atm) and keep Gyrados in reserve as a swap for someone if its required.  Ill also be trying to catch all of the Legendary Birds just for completion but I most likely WONT be going for a 100% catch of all 150 pokemon (im not including Mew as he isn’t obtainable outside of a Nintendo event)

Tonight we will most likely actually raid.  One night off is enough once in a while.

Weekend Update: A break from EQ2

Posted in Everquest 2, Personal, Vanguard on February 15, 2010 by Berserk Rage


Time for the weekend update to let you know whats been happening in the world of Borg.

Firstly I decided to take a break from EQ2 for the weekend so that im fresh for the expansion release on Tuesday (which I DO have keys for as I got a mate in the US to get it for me, screw waiting for SOE to sort their shit out for international people) which meant that I had some spare time to play other things.

I went to my mate Spibeys house on Friday night and played Modern Warfare 2 for the first time.  I must say I like it better than MW1.  The custom classes are really good which meant I could customise a package to be suitable for me which involved taking silent footsteps, unlimited sprint, and cold blooded and I would literally sprint about the map knifing people.  I was actually pretty good at it too, maybe if I get my own copy of the game I might actually learn to shoot who knows.

When I got back to mine on Saturday I played MW1 but its not the same, bleh.  

On the MMO front, Allods Online finished its closed beta and will be moving to Open Beta on Tuesday.  I say Open but to be honest your characters WONT be wiped, so its basically release!  If Sentinels Fate wasn’t releasing the same day I would probably get started on that.

So what did I play then?  Well actually Vanguard,  I felt like seeing how this went on my new rig and its not bad, less slow down but still massive chunk times.  I didn’t get up to much in game, managed to find my feet then get my ass handed to me on my Warrior, seems they suck, ah well that’s the class for me then.  I managed to ding 22 (from 21) and about 40% in (in 2 days!) so progress is slow.  I asked the guild (Safe Haven on Seradon) where I should be heading at my level and their answer was grouping in Trengel Keep.  My only concern with this is that they may be remembering back to when they were levelling, and groups were abundant, I hardly saw anyone my level when I was running about so this seems like a non starter.  I really do think ill have to grind my tits off.

This is all compounded by the fact that my warrior is in a brotherhood with Mrs Bs Cleric.  A brotherhood in Vanguard is actually kinda cool,  you set it up like you would a levelling group, then when you gain exp it is split with the brotherhood, EVEN IF SOME ARE OFFLINE!  Brilliant feature.  Of course if you are all online then the exp gain is normal, but in my case it is halved.  Ah well I can suck it up!

I also played one match of Quake Live and won, happy with that, although I did cheer like a mofo when I did haha!

So, SF releases tomorrow, tonight will

Borgio EQ2… Who are you!

Posted in Personal on February 1, 2010 by Berserk Rage

Every day when I check my search results for how people find the site there is one search term thats always there.

EQ2 Borgio

Every day I look and its there, well make yourself known, who is looking for me spcifically? 🙂

Taso! Are you there!!

Ho hum another reformat for me

Posted in Personal on August 28, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Last night my PC got hit with a Trojan, having dealt with numerous of these over my time with computers it came as no shock and I moved into disaster mitigation mode.  

After yanking  my network cable out so I don’t have the chance of infecting the other machines on the network I set to work cleaning it off.


Except this one was a stubborn bugger, I got rid of the executable files but I could not for the life of me find the registry entry for it.  After attempting to have a system restore only for the little bugger to lock me up every time I open it I turned to the old fallback.  A reformat of my hard drive.


For most people this would be a big thing, you will lose all of your data including pictures and documents.  But im lucky, my PC is a gaming PC, used for ONLINE gaming only.  There are no single player saves, no soppy pictures, no documents for work or anything.  So I formatted and reinstalled XP, booted her up and got back to the grind of driver installation.


Within an hour of the reformat I was back on WAR (copied the whole directory across from Mrs Bs PC).


LOTRO I left downloading overnight and installed this morning, should be patched by tonight.


In a way im kind of glad I got hit with it, I really needed to do some housekeeping on my PC anyway, now I don’t need to… I got a whole new house!

TMM transfer leadership :(

Posted in Personal, Warhammer Online on August 5, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Its been a while since I did an update, that’s due to the sheer amount of work im cracking through at the moment.


However heres a few notes:


I transferred guild leadership over to one of my alts in Warhammer and joined another one of the alliance guilds, it may just be a case of the grass is greener but I miss The Merry Men already on him.  In the meantime ive been recruiting like mad and have gathered a few more guys to our banner, most are lower level but im trying.  If they all seem like they want to stay then ill probably transfer back.


Lost Vale was actually pretty good this week, we had an off tank for the first time which was so amazing to see the dungeon done with one.  Gorak was one shotted for the first time ever, so much easier, I still reckon its faster to single tank the whole thing but this way is safer.


Not done a lot else in gaming, haven’t played much WoW as a friend is using my account at the moment before he re-subs his own.


Ive downloaded the LOTRO client but not installed or patched yet, its free to play at the moment, ill try to get some time since it may still be worth a sniff.


Not played any more Runes of Magic, but this is F2P anyway and I can dip in and out as needed.


I also bought the new Blood Bowl PC game, I own Blood Bowl in its board game format and actually love the game to death, finally I can play a decent version of it online.

At the moment im playing with my Chaos team which is obliterating allcomers but my Warriors aren’t earning the SPP I want them too so most are lacking my fave skill, Block!

However im doing well having just won the first competition so carrying on.

Ive also got my human team side project, I really like the human team as you can really adapt depending on whom you are playing, against hard hitting teams, play the passing and running game, against the quick teams play the powerhouse.  Love it!

Weekend Update!

Posted in Everquest 2, Personal, Warhammer Online on June 1, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Hey guys well there wasn’t loads of gaming this weekend as I was busy with other stuff which ill tell you about anyway (Its fun to bore people)


Friday night my brother in law came round and brought Mario Kart for the Wii with him.  I had played this once and MK on the SNES was one of my favourite games of all time, well its different but still fun, Mrs B, her brother and I did 3 player Battle Games most of the night which was awesome fun.

We also plugged in the Gamecube pads and smashed out some levels from Gauntlet.  Many people didn’t like Gauntlet on the gamecube as it wasn’t very diverse past hammer A to kill things, but sometimes that is just what you want to do, so we had giggles with that.


Saturday was mostly spent out of the house.  We went shopping for more gardening supplies and took the kids to the park and let them play in the fountain near the shopping centre.  Afterwards we went over to my mum and dads to see them and ended up staying for a BBQ.  By the time we got home it was time for the kids bedtime.
The gaming we did that night was on EQ2 im sure, and we did a PR raid with two groups.  Now this instance isn’t hard for the Harpers at all however we took along some people from other guilds who were friends.  Now harpers aren’t like everyone else, we tended to just develop our own tactics for mobs whereas a lot of guilds will read the tactic and go with it.
This lead the first problem when on Doomcoil as we do it differently to a lot of people.  End result was a port to the entrance and Doomcoil locked in his room.
This of course means that we had to deal with the next fight with both the group and eventually Doomcoil.
Well we wiped and wiped and wiped and were about to call it when some more in guild came online, we filled out another group and downed them both.  This just left Imzok which was done with no fuss.  I went on the Pally which means I need just one more update to get my Mythical, Tariza the widow mistress.  I also had a shock when I looked at my Pallys gear.  Now back when I was going to make my Pally my main I started to gear him and he quickly got stats as good as my Zerk, however I changed back and now the Zerk is geared WAY over him.  The shock was inspecting my Pallys tank gear to see some treasured crap!  Oh god, Void shards are the way to go for him I think!


Sunday was spend chilling out and gardening, I dug out a semi circle of turf for us to plant in before we realised we needed a skip to get rid of all the waste we were producing, crap!
Gaming was all on Warhammer.  I decided I wanted some more wards and the only way to get them is RvR so I gritted my teeth and sat in the warband for a few hours, ive now got 79 officer medallions.  Seeing as I need over 200 for the chest, I think, and over 100 for shoulders im getting there.
Why am I bothered about wards?  Well the alliance is starting to run LV events and I want in!


I will probably play Warhammer tonight depending on what Mrs B wants to do.


Rock on

Day 40 Update: My Gaming Future?!

Posted in Everquest 2, LOTRO, Personal, Warhammer Online, World of Warcraft on December 28, 2008 by Berserk Rage

(TMG in Afghan post to follow later on!)


Having been forced away from gaming due to my Op Tour it gives me a lot of time to surf the internet and make decisions on my gaming future so I figured it would be a good time to write down where I think im going in the next year with gaming.


World of Warcraft

With Wrath being out maybe a week before I came out I had a small time to play and even did the Nexus once.  Im still semi interested in WoW and will most likely take my Warrior to 80 and perhaps my DK but recently its not been the game which is really keeping my interest.  At least by the time I go home the expansion will have been out for a while and things will have settled in regards talents, raiding and instances.  I do not know if I will be playing WoW as much as I was though.


Everquest 2

Im yet to try TSO but ill take a peek at it when I come home for some R&R in January but at the moment it seems that this will be my “raiding” game.  I can only really focus on raiding in one game at a time anyway so might as well make it EQ2.  Ill have to step back and take a look at what I want to do with myself in EQ2 regards raiding but a decision will be made in March.



Moria has come out and although LOTRO does have a special place in my heart, I really cant see myself spending much time in Middle Earth, the game isn’t bad, it just doesn’t hold my attention as much as it should.  It doesn’t matter that everytime I actually do play LOTRO I say how great it is, I still end up stopping.


Warhammer Online

I left this one to last as its my current game that im getting into.  Yes I played it way too much during beta including powering two characters to level cap in order to test T4, come release I was burnt out, big time, I couldn’t find the drive to play the game due to it being the same as before.

However I think this break will do good for me, once I get back I think that WAR will be my “Main Game”  This means the majority of my time will be spent here with raiding done in EQ2.  My goals are to try out the Blackguard and if they suit my style of play then get one to 40.  My Chosen is my next choice.


Well there we have it, a fast MMO roundup, decisions made are to play WAR and EQ2.  Ill have to see if I can rope Mrs B into dropping EQ2 a bit for WAR, I doubt it 😛

TMG in Afghanistan: Day 37 – Christmas Day

Posted in Personal on December 25, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Hey guys,

I was going to d ao video for this one but I think the written word will suffice.  Be sure to look at the recently uploaded video for days 35 and 36 since ive only just got time to upload it now!
Well as its christmas and im here in Afghanistan ill wish everyone out there a fantastic holiday period and urge everyone out there to have a special day, let those petty little arguments slide because if that special someone was far from home this holiday it would all seem trivial.
My heart goes out to the family of the poor marine who died yesterday on christmas eve, I bet all those arguments seem trivial to THAT family today.

I dont need to work today which is a nice bonus for me, I got up at 1330, my body must really have needed the sleep, im supposed to go for dinner in 10 minutes but to be honest I dont think im all that hungry, im sat in the Dutch Echoes cafe again and now ive secured an internet spot ill only move to plug my laptop in and maybe get another drink, christmas dinner just isnt the same when it isnt cooked by my wife or mother.

Still once again to you all have a very merry christmas, eat well and love those around you, for you dont know how long they will be with you.


Rock on!


EDIT: Ill just add that dailymotion is having issues so I cant post the vido for yesterday, will do it tomorrow or something

TMG in Afghanistan: Days 1&2

Posted in Personal on November 21, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Note: There is a 1 day time delay between posts so although the post I posted now is say day 54, its actually day 55.

Day 1 Well there is no day 1, I flew all day.

Day 2

I have been here for a little over 9 hours and things could have gone better. The flight itself was straightforward and uneventful, the pitch black landing was the only concernig thing but that over with I arrived at Kandahar and looked on to getting myself sorted. Only once I got here my escort was nowhere to be seen. Feeling somewhat unwanted I made my over to the RSOI tent with the full intentions of heading to J1 in the morning to announce my arrival. Luckily for me my escort had been looking for me as they were told my flight was delayed!! (We actually arrived 30 mins early) so I was quickly shown to my accommodation for the next week at least.
I find myself sharing with 3 SNCOs. One of which works nights so I may not get to meet much of him but the other two were about. Not much was said no matter how much I tried to get a conversation going and so I quickly stowed my gear and climbed onto my bunk. It wasn’t 5 mins before I realised I wasnt going to sleep so well….. they both snore… like freight trains…..FUCK! A night of snatching 10 mins here or there and they got up at 0520. I dont need to be up till half 7 but still how can two rhinos who snore possibly be quiet enough to let you sleep while they sod about getting their kit on? SO here I am, sat at 0611 typing my thoughts so far. Cant find any internet access ports so far but there is a internet suite just across the road from my bunk, ill take a wander over there later on once ive gotten myself familiarised with some of the base…. cant wait to move rooms though…..

Day two officially over work wise, just learnt the basics of the job and listened to two guys in the office bitch at each other all day… oh the joys. Back in the room now, the others arent here meaning I have some “quiet time” to type this and also to finally sort out my bed! Yes we have a bed at last goodbye sleeping bag. Still cant find any easily accessible wifi but will go for a wander later on with the laptop to see what I can pick up, you never know! so, two down 119 days to go, if they all go as fast as today has then it should be great, Its all an experience though, and who knows maybe I will be a better person for it. I managed to call home to let Tracy know I was ok, she told me that Luke came in crying to the bedroom this morning saying he “wanted his daddy back” not something I want to hear on day 2 since it really tears at you. So anyway im off for a bit of food at 7 in the mess then ill see what takes my fancy, I feel a trip to the shop WILL be in order as will the aforementioned trip to find some connectivity, till then all I can do is chill really, not much else doing. I didnt install any ofline games on the laptop meaning im stuck with solitaire… if im not a solitarie god in 4 months then something is wrong haha!

Well im back from my walk now to find a note telling me to move rooms…. ho hum a bit of an arse wants me to move so fair enough, new room looks a lot better anyway. I managed to get access to the internet but the clever fuckers have put a block on it so you need to have some sort of account or something to get onto it. Im going to have to investigate that tomorrow with Kate, im sure she will be able to tell me how to sort it out. But for now im just chilling in the room, waiting for yet another day. Fairly tired today so im hoping that ill be able to drop off to sleep tonight and wake up when im supposed to. Fingers crossed aye??