Archive for September, 2007

And that makes 62!!!! AND A NEW GAMING RIG (for my wife /cry)

Posted in Uncategorized on September 30, 2007 by Berserk Rage

Ding 62

There it is…. well sort of!  I got an achievement point at the same time, and although I was hovering my finger over the screenshot key… well I missed it, bleh!

Decided to get one of the language quests done, the one for the shaddowed men, and so I went off to the Lesser Faydark to get it done….. I ground a whole LEVEL on the guys there before I was done, but hell it was worth it.  8 levels to go.  I ran off to the broker and upgraded EVERYTHING apart from a couple of legendaries I have, put my cobalt in my appearance slot as I love the blue look!

Havent gamed much this weekend on EQ due to building my wife a new PC.  Went out and threw money down for a new Quad Core Cpu, Mobo and an 8800 card for it, came in under budget too and it runs like a dream.  EQ2 on MAX settings with no slowdown, of course this will need to be tested in a raid as im sure I WILL have slowdown there but hell im so jealous of her.  I think I might have to go get it all again for myself.  The whole lot costs me a little over 600 quid, thats fair enough for what is effectively a new PC and biulding it yourself is so worth it.  I might just buy the mobo and cpu for myself as I have a 7800 in my PC and it does the job, if I cant stand it in a few months ill get an 8800 as well so we will both be sorted.

Wife made a wizard on my account………. ill keep you posted 😉


Ding 61……. and a half and is Xegonite worth it?

Posted in Everquest 2 on September 28, 2007 by Berserk Rage

Everquest ROCKS!!!  Its that simple!  It simply kicks the crap out of any other MMO out there at this point in time!
I fired up my Zerker two days ago (the day the patch finished) and got to business, luckily I had left myself with a ton of quests in the Lesser Faydark to get into so that I did, with gusto.  By the end of it I had nothing but Heroics left and a shiny new level under my belt!  Woohoo 61, 9 to go.
I had a word with a Guardian in my Guild (The Conclave) called Carv, hes the raid organiser and also the MT.  He told me that we dont actually have any good OTs or any decent zerks for that matter so im stoked for 70!  The Conclave raid one day a week which is PERFECT for me, it gives me lots of time off to finish up the quests and things like that!
So im on a mad push for 70.  Managed to bash out a load of PoF quests last night which got me halfway through 61 before I logged off and convinced my wife to give it a go (another go)
“But you know I hate Everquest” she says to me, my answer was thus “No you dont, you enjoyed it last time” 
And that was it, she created a Fey Wizard on my account (as hers is closed) and got to business, I did the usual nice, grats, ohhh imba spell, look at those graphics in order to make her feel good about it.  Who knows if I had a breakthrough at all.  Still need to tempt her away from WoW!
My aim this weekend is to hit 62 or maybe 63.  Got a WoW raid tonight though so that rules today out as an exp night, but ive got saturday and sunday!  Its easily doable if I can find some more quests.  At the moment (with wifey not playing) its hard to bash through the heroic quests.  More solo stuff pwease!!!

I really hate the look of Xegonite!  Honestly im going from the cool darkness of Cobalt to the….. RUSTY look of that!! Please!!! Should I even waste my cash on it, or look at picking up raid gear? Or some other gear??  Any advice?

Plan for today?  Get home from work and check Broker for sales, maybe exp a little.  WoW raid which, I dont know, I kind of want to do, but kind of dont. Then bed and up tomorrow for more EQ2 fun!

On a lighter note, I got a bonus at work and I am staring at £3000 and no clue what to do with it, any Ideas???


Posted in Everquest 2, LOTRO, Personal, Warhammer Online, World of Warcraft on September 24, 2007 by Berserk Rage

WoW is starting to suck me back in again, I really want to cut away from it but my wife is still an avid player.  Im not even sure what I want from it anymore.  I try to kid myself that I am having fun but im really not.  I handed over the guild leadership as I said I would, but in that instant it sucked me right back in.

I think I might know what it is I am missing, the cameraderie.  I think I like MMOs which I can jump in to, have some fun with friends and just generally enjoy the game.  WoW does not do that for me anymore, seeing content which will not further my character at all (as WoW is at the moment) is no fun for me.

But theres the problem all over again. How to stop my addiction to this ball of suck.  I need to go cold turkey and find a new game but I cant do it if my wife is still playing, still raiding, its taken over her life even more than mine but she is too blind to see it.  All I can think to do is to transfer my chars off their current server, that pretty much stops me raiding with my friends.  But im a chicken shit, I cant do that to myself, cant delete them either.  Only saving grace is that my subs run out in November, but what is there to stop me simply starting it up again.

WoW WAS a good game, but I think I need to get myself out again, I was doing SO well! Now im addicted… sort of again.  Writing this blog really opens my eyes as to what im doing, I mean I was raiding last night, and was going to tonight, but now im signing out.  I need to find something else to do!  Subs I have are LOTRO which is fun and I should play, WAR (cant say anything about it atm sorry) EQ2 which is great fun, but I need to find the right guild, one which is talkative and fun, and CASUAL.  maybe on another server who knows. And a couple of random games ill prolly never play again.

I think I know what my problem is with a lot of games… they are more fun when played with OTHER PEOPLE!!!  Shock horror!!  I remember in DAoC finding a AVC group of total randoms for some AoE for an evening.  Then WoW came along and the “dumbass kiddies” with it which destroyed my faith in PUGs.  Now when I play an MMO I hardly ever group up….. unless its duo with my wife.  Ive not even given grouping a chance at all in EQ2 since I came back, nor LOTRO, maybe thats my problem, and I should jsut cut loose.  Maybe ill reactivate EQ2 again and try grouping, or try it on LOTRO.  The only thing EQ2 has over LOTRO atm is that I play a Berserker, a DPS tank, whereas in LOTRO im a guardian, a def tank…

So the main question is (if I get anyone reading this) how do I quit WoW in such a way to stop me coming back?  Transfer? Deletion?

DARN IT!!!!!!!!!

Currently Paying for NO Game Subs

Posted in LOTRO, Personal, World of Warcraft on September 11, 2007 by Berserk Rage

Yup you heard me, Im not paying for ANY games at the moment.  Main reason?  Finances, I just couldnt afford to pay anymore.  So I cancelled them all. WAR BETA helps a ton as I dont have to pay.

 But anyway, its been two weeks since I played Warcraft, and I barely check the forums at all now…… I really think I need to log in one more time before my account is closed and transfer the guild leadership.  I cant see myself returning. 

Been chatting to an old friend from DAoC who I played LOTRO with, and im thinking of going back to it.  The games had a lot more time to be out now so its improving. Maybe ill think about that tonight.

Nothing much else to add, RIP WoW!!!