Archive for February, 2008

Vanguard: Customer Service A+!

Posted in Vanguard on February 28, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Vanguard have placed into the game the “Veteren” Rewards that so many other games now offer to long term players. I, having actually been registered with the game since beta, qualify for all of the rewards they currently offer.

One choice you have is for a bag, there are three to choose from:

All three are pretty awesome and all three are worthy to be taken. I decided to plum for Avarems Messenger bag on the grounds that I had 4 slot bags and it would be awesome. It wasnt till I actually started crafting that I realised my folly!

That crafting bag is teh shizznit! Swearing myself a little I figured I may as well petition a GM see if they would be willing to change it for me.
Lo and behold about 2 hours later (this was the only bad thing about the experience) a GM messages me and says that its possible!!!!!
Not only that but he has a good joke at my expense. He tells me to delete the old bag, tell him when its done and he will give me the new one. The instant I said “Ok its done” he goes “Thanks for your time” and POOFS off….. then comes abck and says “Only kidding”
It was the small human touches from this guy which made me appreciate the customer service that the Vanguard staff are pushing out. I can only hope it continues in the vein!

Heres a screeny for giggles! (Click for full size!)


Rock on Telon!

Forward Focus!

Posted in Vanguard on February 27, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Mrs Borgio has gone away for a few days leaving me on my lonesome in and out of game.  Its times like this which make you realise how much you miss someone!  Anyhoo  So last night was mostly spent in Telon, I say mostly as I did log into EQ2 to check my broker, I really want to carry on with my Epic but ill wait for the wife for that.
So Vanguard then, small things starting to gripe me one being the pure scale of the world, yes a large world is great, but not when im on the level 10 steed and have to traverse for 20 mins to get back to town just to craft!

So what did I manage to do last night then?  Well actually hardly anything, spoke to Stargrace about crafting and guilds and things and actually applied to her guild!  Crafting wise I managed to knock up some A grade weapons, which I have now listed for sale.  If they make money then ill look at maybe putting a couple up a day (To make sure I dont flood the market).

I made my first gold piece last night too!!!!  Not a big thing really but as im finding cash hard to come by then its great.   I dont want to spend it though!  This is a good thing for me seeing as im usually the guy who blows all his cash as soon as he gets it.  It might be because I have no clue what im looking at gear wise so that I dont buy anything, I think my biggest expense is crafting supplies and even that is a few copper here and there.

So aye some forward thinking from me means I might be doing something in Vanguard tonight, depends on how I feel.

Im off to WAR

Posted in Uncategorized on February 22, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Unfortunately its not the Game WARHAMMER but the real life WAR.

Just recieved notice that im being shipped off to Afghanistan in November so ill be there over christmas.

Thought youd like to know

Rock on!

Working out the rusty joints

Posted in Everquest 2 on February 22, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Well last night was the official “first” night back.  First happy moment of the day was finding out that the Illusionist master I have had for AGES sold for 60p!  Woohoo money!

I found out from our GM that basically The Conclave had crumbled whilst I was away (what is it with me and guilds!!!) and most have gone away to different guilds.  Now I dont know what to do yet, who wants a Zerk anyway?  But ill think about that some other time.

Instead I did a CoA run with guildies and ex guildies.  Highlight of the night was Ailiana dinging 80 on her Swashy whilst in there.  Tanking soon came backto me although I did cause a stupid wipe when I tried to tank the final boss in Offensive stance….. stupid!
It was raining chests, but not Exquisite or Ornate, only Trasured which sucked.  We did get two masters and I won the Monk one and the final chest dropped the Nathsar Shortsword again, ive been using it a while and im still in love with it!

Started my quest for my epic weapon too, even though I dont like the stats on it I still need to get it, im on step 9 now which is no longer solo so ill probably call on the guild to help.

Plans for the weekend then?  Let my EXP bonus build up on LOTRO, maybe play some with Mrs Borgio.  Patch and try out Vanguard again and maybe some EQ2!!

Rock on!

Why I blog

Posted in Personal on February 21, 2008 by Berserk Rage

A post by Hudson over at Wifeagro really hit home with me.  Why people blog and the fact that he has now moved over to GAX.
I for one applaud what he wrote there, I also feel that alot of bloggers have lost touch with what their blogs should be about.

I, of course, have my favourite blogs which I read and love the just random crap that they post, everything about real lives, going out and buying some new lego figures (TAGN) and getting that next level.  What I find totally boring would be the posts which are showing rants and things like that, im not interested.  Some people no doubt are but when the blog is no longer focussing on the gamers gaming but on the gamers “self promotion” I lose interest.

I blog as I enjoy it, to think that someone out there has found my blog and takes an interest in what I am doing and my thoughts on things in games intrigues me.  I will only blog about things which directly effect me, and only post when I want to, its more of an online diary to me than anything else.

Bloggers take note, keep it interesting and keep it fun!

Update on Life, the Universe and Everything (Game Related)

Posted in Everquest 2, LOTRO, Personal, Uncategorized, World of Warcraft on February 21, 2008 by Berserk Rage

February!!!  well nearly the END of February to be exact. A few different things have been happening lately both in my personal life and in game!

I see my last update was to say SSC 5/6.  Well ill just add that we did kill Vashj and Alar leaving just Kael’thas to go but then the guild split.  One guy rebelled and took the rest of the guild with him leaving roughly 10 or so active people in Aeternitas.

Whilst this was happening, Mrs Borgio and I were without internet so we didn’t witness any of it. We didn’t have net as we were moving house!  Im UK Military and got moved roughly an hour away from where I was.  Net is sorted now and its lovely.
However now we are in a pretty much crappy situation WoW wise, im GM again, which is nice, of a guild capable of clearing SSC and TK, but we just don’t have the numbers any more.

Recruitment is a bad thing as, at the moment, people are waiting on the new patch which removes BT and MH attunements.  What this means for guilds in our position is that nobody cares and they will wait for the attunements to be removed then just apply to large guilds already in there.

WoW talk over!!!!


What else have I been doing then?  Well actually revisiting a lot of my other MMOs the main one being Lord of the Rings Online.  It has always had a place in my heart but the WoW addiction always used to drag us back to it.  This time however we are making serious headway.  The thing about LOTRO is that it is just pure fun, theres no pressure to raid, no pressure for anything, we can just log on and have a ball.  SO right now I have my Guardian at 44 and Mrs Borgio has her Minstrel at 41.  The new Angmar helped a lot with that. Hopefully we will be able to get another level before the weekend.

Vanguard didn’t hold our attention for long and I cant for the life of me remember why, I think it was because the PC I was using at the time made it unplayable, well since ive rebuilt then it might be time to try it again, ill see if Stargrace is still knocking around and say hi, I miss our chats in the bloggers channel. I might patch this tonight and take a look around, im almost sure it was the PC issue which stopped us.

EQ2 is also back in my sights, managed to patch up and log in the other night but did nothing more than the valentines quest and “attempt” to kill some mobs.  I say attempt because ZOMG have mobs been buffed? Or have Zerks been nerfed.  A simple WHITE con was taking me down to 50% hp before it died…. Im not rusty at the zerk, far from it, but that was insane.  I pulled two mobs and died!  More research needed on this methinks. The epic weapons have also been put into EQ2 which is a massive pull for me.  Being in a casual raiding guild it gives me a lot of time to work on the first steps of it since we aren’t raiding the high stuff just yet.

Talking about the Epic weapons there seems to be a lot of chat about the Berserker epic, and after reading the comments I can kind of see where they are coming from.  The main thing about the weapon is that it turns all attacks into AOE.  Which seems like a nice boost to the Zerks niche, AOE tanking but its true what has been written, it doesn’t help when 4 orange cons are mezzed and then you wade in and break it!Zerk Epic  
In comparison the Guardians epic is just that, EPIC.  There main thing is the immunity to RIPOSTE (WTF) and the removal of shield requirements, so yes, they can use buckler reversal with a TOWER SHIELD.  Guard EpicIf this doesn’t make a whole new Swathe of Zerks betray I don’t know what will.  I kinda wonder what plans SOE have for zerks, cause at the moment they are being nerfed into the ground.