Archive for August, 2008

You can never make plans in MMOs

Posted in Everquest 2 on August 31, 2008 by Berserk Rage

AS the title says in any MMO you can never make solid plans as sooner or later they will go belly up.

So where did this come from then?  Well today was a case of make a lot of plans and accomplish none of it! Firstly I decided last night that id log into EQ2 this morning in the hope of doing Vaults and Maidens before we raid tonight, there are still a couple of drops from both I need to complete my pre raid tank gear. First hiccup came when I didnt wake up till half one in the afternoon!  Young baby and I decided to watch a lot of late night tv since she wanted to cry all the time.

So morning plans gone but I can still hit those instances in the afternoon!!! Well no actually since I got pinged for a RE2 group (Still no tank cloak) then I worked on some Chardock epic updates for a mate.  Then I went about working on Mrs B’s betrayal quest since she wants to be a warden!!

Then the raid happened… or didnt actually since the raid zone was either down or the zone in was..

Then I went back to Chardock.  So from what I planned to do I did none of it.  Not that im complaining, I still had a lot of fun today.

As you can see, it doesnt matter how well prepared you think you are, if it just isnt going to happen, it wont!

Plans for next week? Try to get the drops I need from Maidens and Vaults and continue doing what im doing.  Guild has a PR raid coming up which im not hopeful about at all…..  we shall see.

Is there love in EQ2?

Posted in Everquest 2, Personal on August 30, 2008 by Berserk Rage

A small conversation with a friend this morning (afternoon… it was 1210!) has led me to this post, its nothing more than a bit of fun, but since the stereotypical mmo gamer is single and lives in his moms basement heres a little lonely hearts ad for you!

Single white, and grey, and brown female hamster (:D),what does age matter seeks mate for fun times, and companionship maybe more!  Must like being healed, and be sympathetic to my litter.  GSOH and man enough to conquer my “six pierced nipples” If I had to describe myself id say “Perfect” Can you handle my mythical and my “well rounded” character?
Do you want to be the one to snuggle me away to your mansion and keep me safe?

So theres a lonely hearts ad for a friends character in EQ2, shes really a lady in real life.  If you want to answer the ad then feel free to contact me in game so I can screen all the psychos!  Ta!

But on from this, EQ2 is a slightly more mature MMO in that the playerbase tends to be older, do we use the game as a tool for meeting people like people did back with singles bars and such?  I dont think it is used exclusively like it but its a aid.  I know many couples who play the game together or who met through the game.  It can be a healthy medium to meet someone since you already have one thing in common already.

Lets get a bit deeper on this now shall we, I wish everyone out there could find the person they are looking for EQ2 is as good a place to look as any, sure its a bit like a blind date but I have met some wonderful people in my time who deserve better than the hand life has dealt them, but they keep on trooping on.  To those of you who are single, playing this game then keep cracking on with it, its as good as going out to a club especially now we have voice chat.

To the Ratonga whom the advert is for above, keep on doing your thing and someone will come, I know it 😉

A good night!

Posted in Everquest 2 on August 29, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Well last night was a pretty good one for me in EQ2.  After talking with the OT from a raid guild here on Runnyeye I set myself up to improve my tanking gear.  Now this led me to the Chardok quest lines when Marcy told me she was starting them.

So off I went to gather spears…. to turn in one at a time…. for faction!  Soon though this was done and I was on to the quests proper.  Luckily the group I was in was all my friends from the previous nights and so we started inside Sebilis for some quests for them.  Quite a few nameds died to us and I managed to win a couple of items which are now on the broker.  Also I hit 134AAs!  So nearly there on that.

Eventually we started in Chardok, first stage done easily apart from having to wait for a repop.  Next stage involved blowing the horns in the right order… cue much innuendo with this one to do with “Master Woodworkers, blowing horns” and the like.

Soon though the mob popped and it was again dispatched (Lol see the brig joke there!)  The next stage was to get some chest drops from mobs at the armoury.  Now luckily it gave both Marcy and I credit at once so it was fairly quick…… except the final mob we needed wasnt up….. for over and hour!

We carried on killing mobs as they popped and we chatted over chat and laughed and joked and a master 1 SK spell dropped from a mob which the guys very graciously let me have (SO Now im levelling Borgio again heh).  Our Bruiser logged since he had to be up early to travel to leeds in the morning so it was the four of us left: Bers, Dirge, Brig and Defiler.  Just as we were about to call it quits the mob popped HOORAY!  It had the good graces to kick out an Exsquisite Chest too!! DOUBLE HOORAY!  Inside that chest?  BERSERKER AOE MASTER!!! TRIPLE HOO FUCKING RAY!!!  So they let me have that too! Somehow it made all the camping totally worth it.

All in all I got 4 Legendarys to sell, and 3 masters (I got an Inquisitor master from a random mob myself)

No real plan for tonight since most people are off, im in the middle of raising my transmuting but its sloooooooow going.  May work on that.

Rock on!

In game friendships

Posted in Uncategorized on August 28, 2008 by Berserk Rage

I really couldnt think of a great title for this post but I jsut want to say that its so nice to be in the unselfish (compared to some) world of Norrath.

Lately ive been working on my tanking gear since it needs a few tweaks and ive been running fast instances with a group of friends from the Conclave days.  I quickly got a tell one night asking if I wanted an item…. not jsut any item though…. the fabled tanking drop from the last boss of RE2.  Needless to say I legged it to EL and about 5 mins later it was mine!

Sure I did no work for it… bu in the past ive ran RE2 and not got it.  What did they ask for it?  nothing!  Except that if I get the scout one to drop to let them know HAHA!

Last night I was able to go back to RE2 for a speedrun with the same people and their main tank.  Now these guys are clearing VP and the gulf in gear shows.  The MT was doing insane pulls and we were still living to tell the tale.  The healers had no issue keeping him up, the MT was putting out enough dps to stop the mobs turning on me… even in aoe fights and the dpsers….. well the less said the better but their parse is huge!

After the slightly lackluster Emerald Halls raid where I spent more time dead than alive it was fun jsut to go on autopilot.  Nothing of note dropped though.

The gulf in gear did make me a bit concerned though.  If anyone is trying to get into a raiding guild then they really need to catch one early on in its progress.  I for one (who pretty much has 3 or so upgrades left out of instances) would not be able to touch anything inside VP so it makes me wonder what its like for other guys.  Maybe its just a tank thing since so much rides on the tank, maybe the dps can afford to have a little less great gear?

Ah well lets crack on theN

(P.S I got drunk for the first time in a while last night, feel a bit like I got indegestion now but no hangover woohoo!)

Lack of Sleep makes me want to be sick!

Posted in Everquest 2, Personal on August 26, 2008 by Berserk Rage

The new addition decided not to let us sleep at all last night so I took the advice of someone in my guild and that was log into EQ2 in the middle of the night.

Alas the server was down…. BLEH!

So what have I done while in my tired stupour?  Well actually a fair bit.  I tanked Maidens and Chelsith one after the other with some friends and finished off my Scale of the Leviathan quest (and Anaphylaxis!!!) good bye Fishbone Earing!

Plan for tonight, chill to be honest, see if there are any group for vault or COA or maybe jsut harvest for some cash!

EQ2: Dragons Temper…. IT IS MINE!

Posted in Everquest 2 on August 25, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Woohoo!!! At last I finished the Fabled part of my epic tonight!

We ran MMIS to start and I started whispering the guys who I wanted to come along to finally finish it with me.  I chose the best of the best and nothing else would suffice!

After a hiccup with our dirge who couldnt zone in we cracked on.

Now for all you aspiring zerks out there who have heard how hard this is etc etc, well its half true.  It can be hard, if you dont know what you are doing.

For those not in the know the quest is basically the following: Talk to an NPC and a portal will open which starts spawning level 83^^^ mobs every 10-15 seconds or so.  What do you need to do?  Make sure an NPC stays alive for 5 minutes!

One failure due to NPC getting aoed and we adjusted the kill position,  second wipe when mobs got too much to handle and we moved the kill spot again.  Third times a charm and it was mine.  What was my group setup?  Zerk(duh), Mystic, Warlock, Brigand, Coercer, Ranger.

So what method did we use then? Mezzing? ALl out dps?  Actually a mixture of both.  We would kill the first add and mezz the next one… only we found that the first mob was very dead by the time the second one spawned so we would take that too.
I think the key to this fight was constant communication, im used to raid leading so I was very vocal over the chat one which to mezz and which to kill next.  With a constant update on time I was feeling the killafter 2 mins had gone and I wasnt dissapointed.

So many thanks go to:

Braxor – Brigand
Holymoly – Mystic
Generalroad – Warlock
Galtas – Ranger
Arcade – Coercer.

Now to get the Mythical! 😛

Mini Me Makes an Appearance

Posted in Everquest 2 on August 24, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Hey guys, some great news for you all.

Yesterday at 12:27 yesterday Mrs Borgio had our second child. Bethany Ann made her appearance weighing in at 7lb 12oz. Mother and baby doing fine. She had to stay in hospital for observation but should be home some time today!

So thats two kids now, two more and I have enough for a group………

Mob dies, we rejoice and where the hell have I been?!

Posted in Everquest 2, Warhammer Online on August 22, 2008 by Berserk Rage

Anyone who follows my blog (all 3 of you haha) will have noticed that I haven’t posted an entry for a while and there are reasons for this.

For one the guild beta on WAR started and so Mrs B and I have been there doing our thing, with the NDA in place I couldnt say anything but now its down here we are.

GOA servers are as reliable as they always are, meaning we had 4 weekends in a row with nobody able to play due to server issues and since it was beta they didnt feel like restarting the servers.  it kinda reminded me why I went to the US camelot servers in the first place.  Now GOA are supposedly running things from Ireland this time so it should have better support, time will tell.

ill blog more about WAR some other time for now its EQ2 talk.  The guild has been levelling slowly since we were away, voice comms came in and we hit the ground running with raids.  I tweaked my dps suit to give me over 1000 str self buffed which im happy with and my tank set is coming along too, its still not awesome but it does the business.

Well EH, Vyemn and the like come and go but not 10 minutes ago we tried a run on Protectors Realm.  We had half a guild raid force and filled the rest with randoms and off we went.  One boss down and many wipes later we call it.
For one its a great instance but it needs max focus from everyone, forgetting a buff or forgetting to take a step in a direction means a wipe.
Also I got made an officer of Blood and Steel, surprise to me but a welcome one,  being promoted to officer status shows some level of trust and belief from the leadership, I like to aspire to become guild management in all my guilds since I have the skills for it.  Time will tell how this plays out.
One sticky thing about being an officer is the fact of the following: Is it ok for me to put a member on ignore who pisses me off?  Case in point another Level 80 zerker in the raid, she spends all her time talking and none of her time doing her job.  She got outdpsed by Mrs B (A fury) while she was in labour…… what sort of focus is that showing. The lack of focus narks me to the point of asking why they are in the raid but the rest of her whole attitude makes me wonder why someone hasnt offed her yet?
Every single fucking chest that drops she sits her avatar in it and yells “EXAQUISITE CHEST, IM THE LOOT”  This gets so fucking old so fucking fast…….
This member pisses me off so much that I really would go to her house irl if I could and smash her pc over her head…….

Quick parse for you: Names of all but me and Mrs B obscured:

The Slavering Alzid: (02:32) 1728893 | 11374.30 [Wizzy1-Ice Nova-8571]
Warlock: 323270 | 2126.78
Borgeo 241573 | 1589.30 <——————–
Guard MT205295 | 1350.63
LEVEL 73 ZERKER: 175124 | 1152.13
Monk(lvl 79)132500 | 871.71
Some dude 114102 | 750.67
Wizzy1104153 | 685.22

SK1 90598 | 596.04
Hunni (Mrs B) 89033 | 585.74 <————————
Monk 82637 | 543.66
OTHER LEVEL 80 ZERK!!!! 79249 | 521.38 <——————-
Dude1 44871 | 295.20
Fido (Mystic Pet) 24125 | 158.72
Defiler 11690 | 76.91
Mystic 7715 | 50.76
Fury2 2928 | 19.26
Fury 3 30 | 0.20


Im sorry but I know we need to include all the members we can since most are slacking fucks who cant level to 80, but when someone of my own class (which I know how to play very well tyvm) gets outparsed but a fucking HEALING SPECCED FURY AND A LOW LEVEL ZERKER IT JUST SMACKS OF BAD FUCKING PLAYING!  Apparently this player also went afk inthe middle of a raid to watch a youtube video about Leeroy jenkins… ya know the guy EVERYONE has heard of..

It makes my blood boil…..

on a side note, Mrs B’s labour started two days ago, nothing massive yet just small pains. WOOHOO!