Archive for August, 2009

Ho hum another reformat for me

Posted in Personal on August 28, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Last night my PC got hit with a Trojan, having dealt with numerous of these over my time with computers it came as no shock and I moved into disaster mitigation mode.  

After yanking  my network cable out so I don’t have the chance of infecting the other machines on the network I set to work cleaning it off.


Except this one was a stubborn bugger, I got rid of the executable files but I could not for the life of me find the registry entry for it.  After attempting to have a system restore only for the little bugger to lock me up every time I open it I turned to the old fallback.  A reformat of my hard drive.


For most people this would be a big thing, you will lose all of your data including pictures and documents.  But im lucky, my PC is a gaming PC, used for ONLINE gaming only.  There are no single player saves, no soppy pictures, no documents for work or anything.  So I formatted and reinstalled XP, booted her up and got back to the grind of driver installation.


Within an hour of the reformat I was back on WAR (copied the whole directory across from Mrs Bs PC).


LOTRO I left downloading overnight and installed this morning, should be patched by tonight.


In a way im kind of glad I got hit with it, I really needed to do some housekeeping on my PC anyway, now I don’t need to… I got a whole new house!

Its Like Herding Cats!

Posted in LOTRO, Warhammer Online on August 27, 2009 by Berserk Rage

The above is a term which is banded about a fair bit when talking about leading a PUG warband.  I have had some pain when IN a warband but have really refrained from leading one due to this fact.


Last night I logged into WAR and joined the alliance only warband who was busy pushing for zone locks.  We managed to take down Shining Way and we began to work on Reikland.  All of a sudden the WB leader disconnected and couldn’t get back in.  “You are now leader of the warband”  awwwww crap.


However it was actually ok, people listened, I shoved down waypoints in WARCommander and led our warband for a flank attack on an Order controlled Battle Objective which we eventually took from the warband defending.


We pushed into Reikwald but time was getting on for me so I had to leave them to it.  I hope we did smash Altdorf yesterday as we had all 3 forts going at once at one point.  Defence at Reikwald seemed light.


I also managed to push myself into Master Farmer on LOTRO, I really like the farming as a bit of a time waster, if you have 10 mins you can easily farm a field whilst reading the internet or listening to a podcast.  Its great.


Plan for today will be to totally finish the master level and maybe some more RvR in WAR.

Artisan Farmer!

Posted in LOTRO on August 26, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Not a lot was going on in WAR last night, plus I was coming off early to go watch the Deadliest Warrior on TV so I spent a little time in LOTRO raising my farming skill.

I really like the crafting in LOTRO, its not as involved as some but it’s a lot better than most games.  In the case of farming I got some seeds, some water and some fertiliser and headed over to the farm fields.  First you must grow your crop, once done you harvest it.  Most of the time you will get usable crops and unusable crops.  The usuable you turn into the end product, the unusable you turn back into seeds…. What a cool system!

I pretty much always make a provisioner character of some description whenever I play these games and my guardian was no different.

I spent the evening growing Onions and managed to finish my whole level out and become an Artisan farmer, next up are Strawberry fields which I need special water and fertiliser for, methinks ill need to research where to get that from, ill try Bree.


Depending on whats happening in game ill either be playing WAR or LOTRO tonight, I would quite like to raise my crafting skills even further, but if theres RvR on the agenda then ill be doing that.


Rock on peeps.

Lack of updates due to holiday!

Posted in LOTRO, Warhammer Online on August 25, 2009 by Berserk Rage

I had two weeks off of work and didn’t find the time to update any of this, well now is the time.


I rejoined The Merry Men briefly but have recently disbanded the guild completely.  Most of the TMM guys joined Rage another alliance guild. I was lucky enough to be offered co-GM of Rage so took the opportunity and so Hun and I both joined. I ran in a guild group last night for RvR and it was the most FUN ive had in Warhammer for a good while.  Group was: Zealot, Zealot, Chosen(Me), Blackguard, Sorc, Choppa.  Most of the time I was floating swapping guard amongst the squishies, once they were secure id join the train and we would drop targets.  AWESOME FUN!  This is what its all about.


Rage also left our old alliance, it was slowly growing stagnant and we all knew it was at an end, my only hope is that Delirium can find their way to this alliance too as they are the other main guild that was alive and I love those guys.



I have also resubbed to LOTRO and bought Moria.  It’s a great fun game, and im happily levelling my artefact weapon things.  It still looks as good as ever and I do enjoy it a lot.  Right now though im trying to find the best time to play as im now more engrossed in WAR.  I think the best bet is to play for a little when I get in then settle down after the kids are in bed for WAR.


Ill hopefully update more often now im back at work, I really should do this from home when I get in so I can include screens… ah well.

TMM transfer leadership :(

Posted in Personal, Warhammer Online on August 5, 2009 by Berserk Rage

Its been a while since I did an update, that’s due to the sheer amount of work im cracking through at the moment.


However heres a few notes:


I transferred guild leadership over to one of my alts in Warhammer and joined another one of the alliance guilds, it may just be a case of the grass is greener but I miss The Merry Men already on him.  In the meantime ive been recruiting like mad and have gathered a few more guys to our banner, most are lower level but im trying.  If they all seem like they want to stay then ill probably transfer back.


Lost Vale was actually pretty good this week, we had an off tank for the first time which was so amazing to see the dungeon done with one.  Gorak was one shotted for the first time ever, so much easier, I still reckon its faster to single tank the whole thing but this way is safer.


Not done a lot else in gaming, haven’t played much WoW as a friend is using my account at the moment before he re-subs his own.


Ive downloaded the LOTRO client but not installed or patched yet, its free to play at the moment, ill try to get some time since it may still be worth a sniff.


Not played any more Runes of Magic, but this is F2P anyway and I can dip in and out as needed.


I also bought the new Blood Bowl PC game, I own Blood Bowl in its board game format and actually love the game to death, finally I can play a decent version of it online.

At the moment im playing with my Chaos team which is obliterating allcomers but my Warriors aren’t earning the SPP I want them too so most are lacking my fave skill, Block!

However im doing well having just won the first competition so carrying on.

Ive also got my human team side project, I really like the human team as you can really adapt depending on whom you are playing, against hard hitting teams, play the passing and running game, against the quick teams play the powerhouse.  Love it!