This weekend I have been mostly playing…….

A Mix!

I had a busy bank holiday weekend when it came to gaming and spent my time in a couple of different places.

Firstly, Mythic had enabled transfers of European characters to the US servers on DAoC so Borg got transferred.  Not a lot else was going on there so I logged off after snagging a new house lot.  Im not sure if I will continue to play DAoC.  You really DO need a guild to run in or an alliance to RvR properly, maybe if I can get my arse in gear and look for one I might, if not then ill most likely slum around Thid.

I also played Everquest 2 a little.  Only a little as im taking a small step back from it so I don’t get burnt out.  I tanked Vistigial Cella on my Zerk and bagged his Mythy buff which was great.

I also sodded about on my Assassin and got him some AA.  The assassin is so fun.  Overall im still liking EQ2 but if I step back and play a little less it will save the burn out ive been getting.

Lastly I rolled a new trial account for Warhammer.  Yes I know I have a proper account but I wanted to experience the “Greener grass”.  I had a couple of particularly bad Scenarios so I rolled Order on the same server, Karak Norn.

I rolled the usual Slayer and started to kill.  MY GOD THEY ARE SQUISHY WITHOUT SUPPORT.  Ill just add that there.

My playing obviously struck a chord with Mrs B as she was soon making a trial account for herself and rolled an Archmage.

By the end of the weekend we were both level 10, RR10.  Which then led to Mrs B resubbing.  Which is a good thing as it means I can have a relatively pocket healer again.

Was the grass greener?  Well I couldn’t tell you right now, since the level we were playing at the BWs cant bomb, but maybe.

From what I hear, T2 is quiet but T3 is very active.  Maybe if I get really bored ill sub the 2nd account and take a look.

Oh and I also hit RR50 on Borg.  Its taken a while with my break but im getting there.  Just some more scenario marks needed before I can start to earn Invaders so yay!

Talking about those scenario crests I want to get this down on the page.  You need to buy something from the current tier before you can get the next tier.  I understand why this works so no qualms there, what I do find odd is that if you wish to buy a 2 hander you pay double.  Now I can sort of understand that everyone else needs to buy a main and off hand but look at it this way.  Nobody is going to wait double the time to get a 2hander of a tier when they can start earning the next tier and get to Sovereign faster.

My aim is most likely to buy a 1 hander or shield from Invader onwards as my 1 hander isn’t the best but my shield is ok.  Ill evaluate at the time.

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