Archive for the Dark Age of Camelot Category

This weekend I have been mostly playing…….

Posted in Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest 2, Uncategorized, Warhammer Online on May 4, 2010 by Berserk Rage

A Mix!

I had a busy bank holiday weekend when it came to gaming and spent my time in a couple of different places.

Firstly, Mythic had enabled transfers of European characters to the US servers on DAoC so Borg got transferred.  Not a lot else was going on there so I logged off after snagging a new house lot.  Im not sure if I will continue to play DAoC.  You really DO need a guild to run in or an alliance to RvR properly, maybe if I can get my arse in gear and look for one I might, if not then ill most likely slum around Thid.

I also played Everquest 2 a little.  Only a little as im taking a small step back from it so I don’t get burnt out.  I tanked Vistigial Cella on my Zerk and bagged his Mythy buff which was great.

I also sodded about on my Assassin and got him some AA.  The assassin is so fun.  Overall im still liking EQ2 but if I step back and play a little less it will save the burn out ive been getting.

Lastly I rolled a new trial account for Warhammer.  Yes I know I have a proper account but I wanted to experience the “Greener grass”.  I had a couple of particularly bad Scenarios so I rolled Order on the same server, Karak Norn.

I rolled the usual Slayer and started to kill.  MY GOD THEY ARE SQUISHY WITHOUT SUPPORT.  Ill just add that there.

My playing obviously struck a chord with Mrs B as she was soon making a trial account for herself and rolled an Archmage.

By the end of the weekend we were both level 10, RR10.  Which then led to Mrs B resubbing.  Which is a good thing as it means I can have a relatively pocket healer again.

Was the grass greener?  Well I couldn’t tell you right now, since the level we were playing at the BWs cant bomb, but maybe.

From what I hear, T2 is quiet but T3 is very active.  Maybe if I get really bored ill sub the 2nd account and take a look.

Oh and I also hit RR50 on Borg.  Its taken a while with my break but im getting there.  Just some more scenario marks needed before I can start to earn Invaders so yay!

Talking about those scenario crests I want to get this down on the page.  You need to buy something from the current tier before you can get the next tier.  I understand why this works so no qualms there, what I do find odd is that if you wish to buy a 2 hander you pay double.  Now I can sort of understand that everyone else needs to buy a main and off hand but look at it this way.  Nobody is going to wait double the time to get a 2hander of a tier when they can start earning the next tier and get to Sovereign faster.

My aim is most likely to buy a 1 hander or shield from Invader onwards as my 1 hander isn’t the best but my shield is ok.  Ill evaluate at the time.

This Weekend I have mostly been playing…….

Posted in Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest 2, Warhammer Online on April 19, 2010 by Berserk Rage

Been a while for one of these but here we go!

Warhammer Online:

Since starting back with DAoC and waiting for the EU transfers I decided to resub Warhammer.  I found out my old guild, Rage, had merged with another guild on the server “Kill Frenzy”  this guild is GMd by Bootae who runs his own blog.

Ive gone from GM of my own guild, to Co-GM of another guild, to grunt in the newest one.  That’s ok though.

I got my Chosen dusted off and got him to RR 48.  Getting closer to 50 all the time.  I then decided to play my Marauder.  I got him to RR 31!  Im happy with that progress.

Kill Frenzy seem like a good bunch of guys, not only did they involve me in the Scenario groups but we also went to Tomb of the Vulture Lord for my first time ever!

I won a new Glyph for my Chosen but no armour, It was still great fun though.

I did, however, discover that I think I prefer my Marauder.  They may be “Gimp” but I think I enjoy the playstyle more than the Chosen.  Time will tell!

Everquest 2:

Not much to report on this front, we got a new Monk and tried a few pulls on the Sages.  All raid content that we can kill was cleared in one night.

I really should level my Assassin up as I love the playstyle, maybe ill find time inbetween Warhammer and DAoC and raiding!

The main thing for me to focus on now is figuring out which game I want to play.

DAoC is great and everything but you need a guild to back you up in order to participate in RvR really.

Warhammer you can solo BGs and keeps and things when they happen fairly safely.

EQ2 I have the guild needed but it is inflexible as to what character you can play.

Back to the Dark Age

Posted in Dark Age of Camelot on April 12, 2010 by Berserk Rage

It’s a shameless rip off title to another blog out there but its all good.  Ill give you the quick Scooby doo on what ive been up to with DAoC again then.

As you are aware, or not aware, GOA has ceased running EU DAoC and it has been taken over by EA.  This is an AWESOME THING!  GOA are what ultimately pushed me away from DAoC, along with a lot of others.  Now we are being run by EA it will spell a new dawn.

However there are about 100 players max on the EU servers at the moment.  However EA are looking to allow us to transfer over to the US server cluster Ywain.  This is the awesome thing as there are around 3000 players primetime on there.  Just mid side yesterday there were over 750 and this is during Brit primetime!

It might not sound like a lot of players to you WoW kiddies with your 20 million subscribers but 3000 is a good number for DAoC.  

So what have I been up to with it then?  Well trying to decide what to play for fun.  My Savage, My healer, My Armsman, roll something new???

In the end I rolled a ton of alts, started to template my Savage, got my Armsman to ML8 (from 1) and played a new Skald to Level 17.

So where do I see myself with DAoC then?  Well actually on Albion, its where I started and its where I played all the time.  Not to mention Borg is fully templated and now flying through MLs and CLs.  Until transfers though ill be playing my Skald to 24 and then playing in Thidranki to get used to RvR again.

Ill be hopefully doing a few posts that can guide someone returning to the game with the things I wanted to know most of in the next week or so.

Its like meeting an old friend again!

EA Customer Service A++

Posted in Dark Age of Camelot on April 9, 2010 by Berserk Rage

If I had just bought something off of Ebay from EA then I would give them an A+++++++ rating!

Last night I bit the bullet and called EA Customer support… that’s right in the USA!  My aim was to attempt to get my EU DAOC account open again so when transfers come I can shove my chars across to Ywain.

All I could remember about my characters were their names and the server.  I also had the CD-Keys.

GOA with their accounts didn’t let you pick your username or password for DAoC in Europe, they also didn’t let you use more than one email per account… I had 3 accounts… the joy!

So I called EA, and spoke to a customer service rep called Darren.  First off I tried to remember my username, which I was WAAAAY off with.  I  then read him my CD-Key, again nothing found.

I then told him the name of my Arsman (Yes I mean Arsman!) and the server it was on and he told me he found the account it was linked to.  After a couple of security questions I had my account back!

It was so painless and the help was so awesome I just had to put a shout out to EA for that.  My username is now written down and password changed to something I can remember.

Cheers Darren, you rock!