I suppose this makes me hardcore?

Its been a long time since I considered myself even CLOSE to a Hardcore raider.  Maybe back in my WoW heyday I would have tarred myself with that brush, but not for a good couple of years.

Ive been raiding with Harpers for the past year or maybe more for only 3 nights a week.  Hardly hardcore but not uber casual.  Well this last week I decided I didn’t like my class that much that I quit the raid team and joined a raid alliance on my Assassin…

However I saw the light and decided that if I really wanted to help the team I should gut it out, even if the new dps recruit we got doesn’t deserve to shovel my shit…..  So now im actually raiding with Harpers AND the raid alliance.

This means im now raiding 5 nights a week…….

Sunday saw Harpers having a hard time of it on Hard Mode twins, with the kill eventually coming after a pull which lasted 50 minutes…

Monday saw Harpers smashing a go at Hard mode Malus.. and do you know what, we got this, he didn’t die but we got him to 27% fairly easily and we reckon we know what to do now.

Last night was my second raid with the raid alliance which was scheduled for an AA run, now I don’t need AA on my Assassin but went along to help anyway, it got off to a rough start when the zone in wouldn’t work but we soon flew through it and were headed for the second zone of the night when my participation was cut short.

The raid alliance is nice and will probably help keep my interest in the game but I really wish they didn’t do AA raids on one of the nights I can make it.  My only hope is still that Harpers will eventually need me on DPS.  I play DPS so well, when I brought my Assassin to a Harpers raid I topped DPS.  Granted our Ranger was away, but I still beat out all of the mains there with my ALT.

I suppose in the mean time I will just need to keep raiding with Harpers and maybe keep my eyes open for opportunities elsewhere.  If say, Ascend, or Mythic Legion, or dare I say it Fusion need an Assassin, I may need to rethink my game playing.

Its not that I want to leave Harpers, I love the guild and the people ive “grown” up with, but I cant ignore the pull of being able to do what I love.

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