EQ2 Bonus Exp Weekend!

Ive been waiting for another bonus exp weekend on EQ2 for a while now, ever since the last one in fact.

I was a bit of a dunce last round, I didn’t even play EQ2 that much which gutted me since people were saying how good the AA grind was so I made a decision, the next exp weekend I was going to hit it… hardcore.

And god did I ever!

I made a little plan of action to grind AAs out since I think they are the hardest thing to get (Levelling is EZ!) and made a little routemap of what I was going to do.

I started with my Assassin on the Friday night, but woe is me, I screwed myself over for 18 hours.  Ill explain here how I did what I did.

There is a little zone inside Splitpaw called the “Crawler Nest”  this zone is full of spiders and one, or very rarely two, named mobs.  The idea with this place is to mentor down to level 45 and blitz every trash mob in there whilst leaving the nameds alone.  Once you finish with the trash evac and go again.

However the first time we had the rare named pop we killed it….. BOOM 18 hour lockout.  Therefore on the first night my Assassin went from 186 – 191 AA however Mrs B did go from 248 – 250

I woke up on the Saturday and thought I would work on the Berserker, Mrs B brought her Wizard along for some AA too.  Id love to say how much AA the Wizard got but I didn’t pay any attention.  But late ish on Saturday (about 4pm) Borgeo the Berserker hit 250AAs!

He started at around 0830 with 236 and ended with 250!  It was about this time that the Assassin was unlocked again.

Since the Assassin was much less of an AOE class than my Zerk I decided to show my Dad the spot, and he brought his SK.  Therefore for the rest of the night (Up till about 11pm) it was him and me smashing AAs out.  He soon hit 250 himself and I went from 191-222.

Sunday was THE day, I hadn’t planned on getting lots of AA on the Assassin but whilst the opportunity was there I may as well abuse it.  The plan was to stay awake all of Saturday night but tbh I was dead on my feet and full of Caffeine… I knew I would crash.

And I did….

Sunday I eventually woke up at 1130…..

I dived in game and got hold of Dad, and in we went again. Dinging 250AAs at about 3pm.

So my weekend grand total was:

Zerk 250AA

Assassin 250AA

Mrs B 250AA

Dad 250AA

Couple of Alts got some AA too.

The bonus is still on till Tuesday but tbh I think im ground out.  I wouldn’t mind getting some easy Exp on the Pally but with tonight being a raid night it wont happen.

Ill also add that I got to raid on the Assassin last night, and once I found my feet I started topping the parse.  WOOT.

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